Access Towers
Square or rectangular access towers can be erected with standard T-LOCK components using either jacks and base plates or bespoke T-LOCK castor wheels to give full mobility. The working platform can be formed using either scaffold boards or battens. Safe access is created by the use of a separate ladder bay with a safety gate giving access to the work platform.
Staircase Towers
T-LOCK’s staircase towers incorporate purpose designed stairway units and offer a safer, quicker, more efficient route between levels on site. They are quick and easy to erect and generate significant time savings for everyone on site.
There are four basic staircase options in the T-LOCK range. All use the standard T-LOCK system to provide the main structure - with a small number of additional staircase components, including a choice of steel and aluminium stairway units.
Staircase Sizes
T-LOCK staircase towers are based on three plan layouts, using four, eight or ten leg tower structures. Each staircase type comes in 1.5m or 2m lifts for maximum flexibility. Different lift sizes may be combined in the same tower to suit work platform levels.